The research in my group focuses on efficient methods to generate insights from data. We focus on improving both system efficiency (e.g., designing high-performance data analysis algorithms), and human efficiency (e.g., designing methods to improve the productivity of users interacting with data systems).
My CV. LinkedIn profile.
- SplitDF: Splitting Dataframes for Memory-Efficient Data Analysis., A. Kakaraparthy, J. M. Patel: VLDB 2024.
- ReAcTable: Enhancing ReAct for Table Question Answering, Y. Zhang, J. Henkel, A. Floratou, J. Cahoon, S. Deep, J. M. Patel. VLDB 2024.
- Rethinking the Encoding of Integers for Scans on Skewed Data, M. Prammer, J. M. Patel. SIGMOD 2024.
- Simple Adaptive Query Processing vs. Learned Query Optimizers: Observations and Analysis, Y. Zhang, Y. Chronis, J. M. Patel, T. Rekatsinas. VLDB 2023.
Exploiting Structure in Regular Expression Queries, L. Zhang, S. Deep, A. Floratou, A. Gruenheid, J. M. Patel, Y. Zhu. SIGMOD 2023. Code.
DataChat: An Intuitive and Collaborative Data Analytics Platforms, R. J. Leo John, D. Bacon, J. Chen, U. Ramesh, J. Li, D. Das, R. Claus, A. Kendall , J. M. Patel. SIGMOD 2023. Free trial.
Accelerating database analytic query workloads using an associative processor, H. Caminal, Y. Chronis, T. Wu, J. M. Patel, J. F. MartÃnez. ISCA 2022.
SQLite: Past, Present, and Future, K. P. Gaffney, M. Prammer, L.
Brasfield, D. R. Hipp, D. Kennedy, J. M. Patel. VLDB 2022. Code, Hacker News.
Efficiently Searching In-Memory Sorted Arrays: Revenge of the Interpolation Search? P. VanSandt, Y. Chronis, J. M. Patel. SIGMOD 2019.
Quickstep: A Data Platform Based on the Scaling-Up Approach, The Quickstep Team. VLDB 2018. Code.
Looking Ahead Makes Query Plans Robust, J. Zhu, N. Potti, S. Saurabh, J. M. Patel. VLDB 2017.
The case against specialized graph analytics engines, J. Fan, G. Soosai Raj, J. M. Patel. CIDR 2015. Slides. Code.
WideTable: An Accelerator for Analytical Data Processing, Y. Li, J. M. Patel, VLDB 2014. Blog.
BitWeaving: Fast Scans for Main Memory Data Processing, Y. Li, J. M. Patel, SIGMOD 2013. Blog.
Wimpy Node Clusters: What About Non-Wimpy Workloads?, W. Lang, J. M. Patel, S. Shankar, DaMoN 2010. Best paper award. Hamilton's Blog Perspective.
List of all publications at DBLP, Google Scholar, and PubMed.
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Selected Teaching Activities
CMU 15-445/645: Database Systems (F23, S24).
CMU 15-721: Advanced Database Systems (F24).
Selected Professional Activities